Monday, 29 September 2008

Water Rats

Its so good to be playing again. There's a short tour starting to take shape around the single in november, and we look forward to seeing you there... We can't WAIT! If you want us to come to your town, let us know...

If you've forgotten what we look like.. here's a lovely piccie someone kind sent through - thanks Mr Miller...!

Jess xx

Friday, 26 September 2008

Car Accident.

Race drummer and all round good guy Andy was involved in a car accident last night on the way home from a gig in London. His car flipped onto its roof but miraculously he was unhurt and was able to crawl out of the window without any cuts or bruises. We went today to pick up his things from the car before it was scrapped, he was listening to our new single at the time and eerily it had stopped at the moment his car flipped..we pressed play today and on it went, unfortunately the stereo was pretty much the only thing left of any value. Andy is understandably shaken up but other than that ok. We are very thankful that he is ok, life and health are so easily taken for granted.
While Andy had the afternoon off we finished some filming for the second version of the video for this single, it is looking very beautiful indeed, the gig last night incidentally was a very special one..we were on unusually early (7.30pm) but the room filled out nicely and there was a wonderful light show which helped set the scene nicely. We now have a new manager by the name of Mr Roy Eldridge. He is a gentleman and has a wise experienced head, he is also good and tall which I think is always an important attribute in a manager/getting things done. We look forward to getting to know him better and making our first steps together.. rather like a romance. You will like him.
We got the promotional copies of our single and album back from the manufacturers yesterday and are now looking forward to our team getting into the full swing of letting people know that we are back and have something for them to hear. We are hopefully going to head up to London on Monday to personally hand deliver the first couple of copies too..I think we learnt from Pass It On that nothing beats making the effort to hand over your music in person. Next friday night we are headlining the main venue at Reading Students Union, it should provide a nice hometown gig for this month and non students can come too..I think its £4 on the door without NUS, bargain..and its freshers week.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

not long now..

We are still here, don't go away.


Thursday, 4 September 2008

Cottage Industry.

Another crazy week of getting things ready and trying to meet deadlines, in three hours on Monday afternoon I wrote and recorded my lyrics for a new b-side with Gra. By Tuesday night we were running a little behind so had an 8pm artwork meeting at the del Rio's. We we have to have the new single and the album promo artwork ready to pass on to the Shifty Disco tomorrow. We were struggling for ideas and I was keen to get home to my little family so I asked Jess for some paper and paint (the others laughed)..this is what happened, I wasn't sure but they seem to like it so it may well stick. I then went back home and left them to it. 'My work here is done'. Highly amusing.

I was thinking this week that we exist very much as a cottage industry with us each having numerous roles within the band/partnership. As well as our musical jobs, between us we seem to cover;

bus driver
recording engineer/mixer/producer
graphic designer
communications executive
first aider (!)
tough guy
dog walker

I guess the tricky/easy part is trying to work out who does/is what.

Tomorrow thankfully we shall get back to our favourite way of passing time with a gig at the brand new Windsor Arts Centre (old firestation) its with our old friends Sennen who are on a national tour, we'll both be playing an extended set so it should be pretty good, doors are 7.30pm and we shall be on at 8.30pm, early night..yeah.